I am currently trying to improve the effectiveness of our web site. The site is about 80% complete (some prices to publish, products to add etc) www.orbitcoms.com I know the products are great and we certainly will be looking forward to working with our customers to help them with solutions to their RF Data problems but I need to know how to attract web traffic and present to them all the great aspects of our products. I am not sure if what I have done to the site accomplishes this. If any of you can spare a minute, would you mind taking a minute to scrutinize it (please try to look at it through the eyes of a person with or without RF experience that desperately needs a reliable solution to a particular problem), then rip it to bits and let me have it, contact me and tell me all that you find hard to understand, or whatever bugs you about it, or if you have ideas to improve it (or on the off chance you like it... what do you like about it). I tried to express that if people have a specific requirement that we can develop a custom solution for them but I don't know if I have made this clear enough. I am asking you guys because I notice you are great thinkers and mostly seem very eager to help each other. I appreciate this. Thank you Regards David Huisman Orbit Communications david@orbitcoms.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.