Sir David, so what is the advantage of using a decoupling capacitor over = not using one? When does the PIC need the short bursts of current and why? David VanHorn <dvanhorn@CEDAR.NET> wrote: At 03:32 PM 1/13/01 -0700, Jose S. Samonte Jr. wrote: >I'm a beginner in PIC programming, and I just want to know what's the re= al use >of a decoupling capacitor. How does it affect the operation of the PIC? = What >capacitance value should I use? What should I use, an electrolytic cap o= r a >ceramic (non-polarized) cap? The decoupling caps provide short bursts of current when the micro needs = it. Wiring has inductance, which means that the longer the wire, the more difficult it is to quickly change the amount of current flowing. The resu= lt is that the voltage, at the processor, swings over quite a range, because= of this series impedance. Generally, electrolytics are a bad choice for micro bypasses. Open one up= , and you'll see long rolled up foils. The length makes inductance. Ceramic disc is a pretty good choice. Mount the cap at the VSS lead, and take VCC to the cap, and then to the processor VCC pin. Don't connect anything else to the processor VCC pin. Now, the high speed current only needs to travel between the cap and the processor, over a short wire. So, the rest of the power supply wiring is= "decoupled" from the processor. Don't forget that ground side though. It's just as important as VCC. Current flows in a loop, and it MUST get back to the source. (It's easie= r to talk about this with pictures...) -- Where's dave? -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at 1 -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See