Where can I find docs on the __Config directive for MPASM with the F627? I see the point in the data sheet, where it defines the various bits, but I never see them called out in the form that they are used in the directive. IOW: The code protection bits are defined as "1" or "0" in the data sheet, but in the config directive, they are in the form of "prot_on" or "prot_off".. I dont' want to get it wrong and lock myself out of the parts. Also, I have no idea what the proper "config" form is for most of the bits, as they give no examples. -- Where's dave? http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?kc6ete-9 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu