Hey Dave, David VanHorn wrote: > > > > >Can't figure outbhow you'd connect the pin diodes anyhow! > > When forward biased, they're on, reverse is off. Ah, yes, diode biasing! Maybe I should go back to my notes on that ... Actually, I looked in the Farnell catalogue. A lot of their PINs are SOT-23 (SMD is a pain) with access to an Anode-cathode or Cathode-cathode join. What I was getting at was I thought you'd have a prob with a diode D2 at the Rx i/p, if in its on state with S2 GNDing the Rx i/p, attenuating the Tx o/p signal :- Tx ---------|>|-------- \|/ aerial |S1 D1 |_________| D2 | Rx ---------|<|-------- |S2 Is that arrangemnet sorta what you meant? > > If that's too nasty, digikey carries some SPDT solid state switches for RF. Getting the hang of diodes? It'll be tough but .............. I'll try and hack it. Regards - Ian > > -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body