>pulse accumulator technique, switch duty cycle in pwm often Ah, now it starts to make sense. but I still think that the integration period will be larger and require a longer time constant, and Roman wanted fast response ? In fact, to obtain the same ripple if the period of PWM is M and the period of the pwm modulation of the pwm (now I named it) is N which is necessarily K*~M (~M is M averaged) then the integrator will need a time constant at least K times greater than for a direct pwm (in M) approach. It would be possible to obtain more fine divisions, but in the end they would be as fine as a simple PWM with period K*M, and have the same low frequency components to be filtered. I think that Roman chose certain pairs of M/N that correspond to his desired, fixed output values, and switches between them to change the output voltage, not to increase accuracy. This is what I understood so far. And that those pairs of M/N happened to match his desired PWM output duty cycles best. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body