Ian, the simplest solution I know of is one I have used some years ago on 144MHz. The antenna is hard-wired to the transmitter, and fed to the receiver via a 1/4 wavelength of co-ax from the transmitter, with a pair of back-to-back diodes from the co-ax centre to ground at the receiver end. When transmitting, the diodes turn on and effectively short the co-ax to ground. This is reflected back to the transmitter as an open because of the 1/4 wavelength of co-ax. As soon as the tx stops, the short goes away and the rx can hear again. The diodes can be any high-speed switching diode (we used to use 1n914, but they are obsolete now) that will handle a few milliwatts.. Cheers, Ken, vk7krj@southcom.com.au -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body