I am having a serious problem getting started with the 16F877. All the pins are pulled low (~10k resistors to ground) except for VSS and VDD, which are respectively connected to ground and +5V (coming out of a 7805, with a few caps to level the voltage). Yet the chip draws around an amp and starts heating.... It's as if the VSS and VDD pins are internally shorted to each other. I'm positive that everything is hooked up as described; e.g., I didn't swap the supplies to VSS and VDD, causing a short through the protective diodes. While I suspect that I've toasted this chip, I'm wondering what I did wrong, in the interest of not toasting another one. I'm also very curious what could cause such a critical internal short. Thank you, and have a happy new year! Jake -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body