Hi, Let me clarify the application a bit. The PIC based unit is transmitting video from a CCD (a CCD for a astronomical camera) to computers that someone may already have, a printer port or USB. The transfer time must be minimized to get as fast a frame rate as possible. The only viable alternative to the parallel ports is a full speed USB interface. I've been looking at the new PIC micro with USB, but it seems to be a low speed USB interface suitable for a mouse or keyboard. The second generation unit will most likely be full speed USB. As the project stands now, I'm getting a 4 second transfer via the parallel port. With the current hardware, A/D converter, signal conditioning, the best rate I could expect is about 15usec per pixel. Right now I'm getting a little less than 30 usec. The delays are now in the bit toggling and reading by the PC from the parallel port. The frame transfer time of 4 seconds vs 2 seconds is not really important when capturing the imaged frame ( an extra 2 seconds after a image integration time of 10 minutes doesn't matter much), but it is important when in the focusing mode. While focusing you need to see the image quickly as you turn the focus knob. Again, thanks to you all for your help and suggestions. Regards, Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads