> > > I was wondering if anyone had gotten around to writing a Wloader cloner > that'll > > spawn wloader from one chip to another. With low voltage programming it > should > > be nothing more than implementing the regular serial programming algorithm > > for the 16F87X series coupled with a read of WLoader from it's location. > > When you want to make it a single-purpose tool it should not be that > difficult. But personally I would choose not to use the low-voltage > programming because it can be a nuisance and you can only be sure that it is > enabled for new chips. Wouter I'm planning on using this only for new chips. Once they have WLoader loaded into them, there's no need to ever reprogram them with a "regular" programmer. In fact I plan to disable low voltage programming once WLoader is loaded so that RB3 can be recovered. > Look at the source and hardware for my WISP > programmer, as you say you could simply put the WLoader code high in the > F877, the WISP code in the low, make sure the WLoader code is never enabled, > and add a start-programming button and a programming-finished good/bad LED > (there are plenty of pins), ignore (leave out) the variable-vcc parts and > you have you gizmo... Don't forget to set up a web page for it! OK I sort of see your game plan, but at first glance it seems like bringing in a slegdehammer to swat a fly. Wisp is a full featured programmer while I want (as you pointed out above) a single purpose tool. My rationale somewhat follows yours. The gpasm/gpsim/linwload/wloader combo gives me a rapid development environment that's ultra transportable because all it requires is an available serial port to use. And like you I have a bunch of of 16F87X parts and can certainly spare one for single use. But I find this the killer app because all I ever need to clone a WLoaded 16F87X is any 16F87X with WLoader on it. Simply: 1) Download the cloner to the existing 16F87X. 2) Hook the pristine 16F87X to the existing 16F87X via the standard 5 wire serial interface. 3) Fire up the system and clone WLoader. Now at this point I have 2 Wloaded 16F87X, both which can be used for anything and at any future point in time can be used to clone other 16F87X parts with Wloader. (Mental note: augment linwload so that the current program in a Wloaded 16F87X can be downloaded and saved in a hex file) In short I can completely ditch my standard PIC programmer because I can use any Wloaded PIC to clone. To me this is the killer app. Build an ad-hoc pic programmer out of a handful of resistors and diodes that can be had at any RatShack and can by put together in about 10 minutes. BTW it took me a 1/2 day to figure out that the WLoader uses a non-inverting serial interface which I certainly will build the next time. My prototype uses a MAX232 and a handful of inverters. Every PIC programmer that I've ever had, or ever built has been unstable, requiring either specialized or modified software, a hefty bit of hardware, or something not easily available to make it go. WLoader, RomZAP, and the other boot loaders gives me a much simpler tool to work with because the intelligence is embedded into the target, which in my opinion it should be. But right now I have one WLoaded chip and 7 blanks. Guess which one I using? Thanks for all the help. I'll let you know how it turns out. BAJ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu