In message <>, Mike writes >In the light of your nation's increasing irrelevance in world affairs, and >in an effort to preserve your quaint culture, The Disney Corporation has >decided to buy the entire nation and convert it into a theme park. To >ensure a smooth transition, Michael Eisner himself will be overseeing this >operation. Can't we have P.Y. Gerbeau, he made such a success of our Millennium Dome with his Euro Disney training. > >A few changes are to be made immediately: >3)All English slang is banned. The word "fanny" will now properly refer to >the posterior. You can keep "bollocks" though, as it's sort of endearing. You find bollocks endearing? Fine, whatever floats your boat. > >4)Parliament will be replaced by a large gallery of sexual deviants, >cross-dressers, alcoholics, and bribe-taking do-nothings. They will have no >actual power. No one will notice this change. As opposed to your system of government? >7) All other British sports (cricket, rugby, etc) are irrelevant. The >stadiums and grounds used for these sports will be converted for use in >repeated, unending Britney Spears concerts. And this is in some way different from the present? > >8) As it was entertaining the first time around, the Hundred Years' War is >started again. The pretext is unimportant. For argument's sake, let's say >it's for failure of the French men to insist on shaved armpits on their >women. Or their insistence on not bathing and covering their stench with >cologne. Or wearing speedos at the beach regardless of state of physical >fitness. Hell, everyone hates the French, not just the British. No argument here. > >We would suggest having the USA, UK and Germany declare war on Italy and >Japan out of jealousy, but then we'd end up sending all of the troops and >the UK would send no enlisted men but a dozen generals who would insist on >running the campaign. So you can stay home and eat kippers instead. Not even going to mention the number 27 and George W. Bush. Damn, too late. >10) While Disney applauds the UK for inventing the steam engine and the >locomotive, please realize that you can't run a railroad for the life of >you. Let us handle it. Say what you will about Mussolini, at least he made the trains run on time. I rest my case. >12) All British "cuisine" is banned, as it would not be used for fodder in a >civilized country, much less eaten by a human being. British national >cuisine will now be considered pizza and curry dishes. Accepted, on condition that you put Jamie Oliver to death or at least banish him to some god forsaken land (Wolverhampton?) > >13) All residents of the UK shall be forced (at gunpoint, if need be) to the >dentist for corrective orthodontia, crowns, bridges, etc. Any Brit without >a full set of choppers shall be shot on sight. This, coming from a country where the combination of clinical obesity and shorts is considered socially acceptable. > >14) Hugh Grant is to be slowly burnt at the stake. His ashes, carefully >preserved and not allowed to blow away, will be fired by NASA into the sun. >Liz Hurley may live. Awww, Liz and Hugh made such a lovely couple, it would be a shame to split them up, burn 'em both at the stake, please (although it might be difficult to differentiate between the stake and Liz Hurley) > >15) All residents of the UK may continue to look down their noses at >everyone else on the planet. Otherwise, how would we know they were >British Don't worry, we will. -- Clint Sharp -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See