Forgot the first [ in [PIC]: > Hi, > > I'm having problems programming my PICs. > > I have connected the MCLR pin of my PIC16F876 through a 10k resistor and a > BAS16 diode to 5V. The programmer connection is straight to MCLR pin. > > I cannot get this to work. > > Now I understand is says I need a Schottky diode but can someone explain > what difference a Shottky diode makes over a normal signal diode? (Sorry to > be dumb) > > When I say I cannot get this to work I mean with the XTAL taken off the > board the PIC programs O.K. I place the XTAL back on and now the program > runs but I cannot get it to program the PIC with the XTAL on and the above > circuit for MCLR. I suspect it's not putting the PIC into programming mode > by pulling MCLR low or something? Will a Schottky diode make tat much > difference? I have no problem buying a Schottky diode (BAT54 or BAT17 ?) and > trying that. > > I used this circuit for a 16F84 and never had any problems (was I just > lucky?) > > Also I didn't have a capacitor externally to provide an R/C delay upon > powerup as I've set the power up timer instead. Is this correct? Should I > have both? > > I'm using a PICPRO16 hardware board if that helps. > > Thanks > > Peter -- hint: To leave the PICList