Simon Nield wrote: >i'm not sure if you are asking me a question about my code or suggesting there's a problem with >it... could you clarify ? Well, it is just nit-picking... (right word, BTW?) You earlier posted the proposed solution: clrf INTCON ; disable interrupts otherwise they could ruin everything bsf STATUS, RP0 ; bank1 movlw B'11010000' andwf OPTION_REG, F ; internal clock, assign to tmr0, prescaler on lowest setting bcf STATUS, RP0 ; bank0 clrf TMR0 ; clear tmr0 and prescaler comf TMR0, F ; set tmr0 bsf STATUS, RP0 ; bank1 bsf OPTION_REG, PSA ; assign to wdt... by which time bit0 of the prescaler should be set And I said, in other words, that the line "comf TMR0, F" is not needed. (AFAIK) Regards /Morgan -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.