Andy, I'm also hacking a Radio Shack R/C car to turn it into a robot. The best way to control the motor is to use an H-Bridge. There are many variants and several things to consider. The following links have a lot of info and/or links to other sites. Portland Area Robotics Society. Links to many sites. Chuck McMannis. Good theory and both Bipolar and MOSFET H-Bridge ckts. Bob Blick's site with a good Bipolar-based H-Bridge project. Good theory with circuit examples of different types of h-Bridges. James excellent Techref site with links and PIC code examples. As far as my robot, I used a modified version of Chuck McMannis' H-Bridge using N-Channel MOSFETs with built-in diodes (see link above). Since the car has both 12V and 6V for the motor, I didn't have to hassle with a charge pump. It uses a quad opto-isolator controlled by a 16F876. I hacked the motor shaft to add a Hall-Effect sensor for a tach. So far it goes forward and backward with some intelligent (PID) control and has bumper switches and an IR proximity detector. This is a spare-time project... - Tom At 08:58 AM 11/7/00 -0500, Andy Kelley wrote: >Hello, > >I have an RC car that does not have a radio and i would like to make >it into a roving robot like thing. > >I am stuck with this: >how do I control a motor from a PIC using one side of the motor tied >to 1/2 rail(2.5v) and either grounding or connecting Vcc to the motor. >Now is the problem: > >I dont know how do this and I have already destroyed a few 2n222's > >the motor draws 6/10 of an amp. > >@ 2.5 volts that is 1.5 W. > >I tried a fet like this > > -/\/\/\/\- Gate > > >Source >__|_ >/ / / > >Drain - motor - 2.5v > >and all it did was make the motor spin in one direction. > >Also i have another motor i need to drive at full 5v so i need to >reverse both wires on the motor if i want to go in reverse > >How can i do this??? > >Thanks >Andy N1YEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Handley New Age Communications Since '75 before "New Age" and no one around here is waiting for UFOs ;-) -- hint: To leave the PICList