Update after last posting and some helpful feedback (and now the subject = changed to include the :) =20 I am trying to get PICLOADER going on a 20 MHz 16F877, and I am having = problems downloading a program after installing PICLOADER. I modified PICLOADER.ASM at line 78/9 to turn FULMEM on, the config line = at 93 to have _HS_OSC rather than _XT_OSC, and at 268 to load D'125' = rather than 25 for operation at 20 MHz. These mods seem to work, ie the = PICLOADER program loads and comes up with its splash screen.=20 I can read to and write from the EEPROM using the PICLOADER R & W = commands, suggesting that the serial interface is fine, but I cant = complete uploading a program. When I try to upload, it clears the PIC in about 30 seconds, prompts = ready, and then I paste the .hex file from Wordpad (2kbytes). At this = point, there is traffic on the serial line for about 15 seconds, and = then nothing. The bootloader doesnt come back with a status, and there = is no response to the keyboard, including hitting carriage return. When = I disconnect the connection via Hyperterm and reconnect, Q responds with = no user code installed, as does D. I have ensured that there is a carriage return at the end of the hex = file (the file is generated by the P16PRO software, from Pascal code = generated by P2C-Plus (Baranov)), and also tried inserting extra line = feeds at the end of each hex line. I have set up Hyperterminal as per = the release note, with the exception that I dont see a way to ensure the = backspace key sends 'control H'. The version of Hyperterminal is 595160, = copyright 1995. Bob Ammerman corrected my assembler code for the overlying program, but = the mods dont make a difference to the operation of the underlying = Picloader code. Dan Welch suggested using Notepad rather than Wordpad, = in case of extra formatting characters with Wordpad. I have implemented = these suggestions but the problem remains -- PICLOADER doesnt come back = after uploading the code. Any suggestions on what I should do would be appreciated. =20 Ed Roberts Atmospheric Research Pty Ltd Ed Roberts Strategic Director Atmospheric Research Pty Ltd 61-2-6242 6883 / 0416 084 642 -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use mailto:listserv@mitvma.mit.edu?body=SET%20PICList%20DIGEST