My experience as a newbie to the world of PICs, I am sure, will be of some benefit to you. From your question, I guess that you are familiar with BASIC. In that case you will learn quite a bit about programming PICs with the help of what www. has to offer. You can download their CH Basic from their site (some restrictions apply). Unlike the other compilers that I have seen, this is highly user-friendly. As soon as you enter the commands in BASIC, the PIC assembly language instructions appear in another window. You can compile to produce the .asm file, which in turn can be used to produce the .hex file with MPLab (free download from Finally, using a programmer (hardware) and suitable software, the .hex file can be burnt into the PIC device. PIC 16F84 is considered ideal for beginners since it's a low-cost, flash device. In order to derive the full advantage of PIC devices, you will however have to learn and program in PIC assembly language, but that might look a bit complex in the beginning and can be attempted once you gain sufficient familiarity with PICs. Other sites that will be of interest to you: Bala Chandar -----Original Message----- From: William [mailto:william@MYWEB.COM.MY] Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 1:25 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Any website provides good tutorial on PIC programming? Dear All, Any website provides good tutorial on PIC programming? I like to know how to write a "if condition" and "count down counter" in PIC programming. Like 1) If PORTA input is 00001111, then do blah, blah, blah, and; 2) Counter = counter - 2 ..... examples Thanks Regards, William -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.