30 Oct 00, Dan Michaels writes to All: P> Negatives for integrating chip modems: P> -Finding a chip <= 64-pin smt P> -Writing "all" the s.w. P> -Designing complex multi-layer pcb P> -Designing complex analog-digital-filtering ckt P> -Integrating DAA P> -Getting FCC approval P> -Cost [chips ain't cheap in < 100,000 qty] P> -Cost [prohibitive when using available DAA modules] Did you check Si2400 from Silicon Labs ? http://www.silabs.com/products/isomodem.asp They have nice 2-chip solution (SOIC16) with integrated DAA, 3.3/5V 60 mW, up to 2400 bit, check also Microchip Appnote AN731 for Si2400 application. They quote $8.50 for chipset in 25000 quantity, it means about $15...$25 in small qty. If V.23 or Bell202 (1200 bit) will be enough for your project, you can find another solution - software modem on the Scenix chip. http://www.scenix.com/virtual/download/v23Kit.html V.23 demo kit available for $89 from Monterrey Tools Probably one can manufacture similar modem on SMD components for the same $15...$25 in qty 100. And you will have some processor resources left for another task... P> Seems every route has its own personal set of problems. For low-speed mid-volume and high-volume applications integrated modem seems the most adequate solution. >> Negatives for external modems: >> -Size >> -Power supply >> -Two boxes >> -"clunkiness" >> -Room for end users to goof things up >> -Cost External modem will be the best solution, when you need several experimental devices. P> Negatives for internal modems: P> -Size P> -Power supply P> -Two pcbs wired together P> -"awkwardness" P> -Pain-ina-butt interfacing to PCI or ISA bus P> -Writing modem-specific s.w. P> -Cost [cheap - only advantage I can see] Possible application for internal modems - cheap multiport router under Linux - put 4 modems into old desktop with 486 processor, 8/16 meg and small hard drive and run Linux on it - it can be the cheapest solution for 4-port dial-up server. However, it is not so reliable, as Cisco router, but works OK for beginners. I know many internet providers, who start from this solution... You can also found this solutions working today in some not so advanced countries... I am not sure, that internal ISA or PCI modems can be used successfully in embedded applications. Best regards Alexey -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics