> As far as satellites are concerned, of course >Iridium is pretty much out of > business already, and they are planning to >start de-orbiting the satellites > any day now. >Make your boat pretty rugged. It is never likely to survive a deorbited satellite splashdown, but it may need to survive a US Navy Fleet going past at 40 knots. >Now did that message get me noticed by Echelon??? Doubtful. You probably need to have said something like. " The vessel has no military applications and does not utilise ionizing radiation or any other form of nuclear materials. It is not explosive in any manner as it does not utilise nitrates, perchlorates (neither ammonium or sodium) or double base components. No propellant is required as energy is provided by thermonuclear means (Sol) from a distance of some 150 million odd kilometres (far beyond LEO (low earth orbit) or even GSO (geostationary orbit) using Helium fusion with various resultant isotopes rather than the more normal fission reactions which utilise Plutonium or Uranium. The suggested prospect of it being impacted by a deorbited satellite (whether a ballistic reentry vehicle or a falling Iridium space craft) is extremely remote and need not be considered in survivability calculations. The vessel is more liable to be placed in harm's way by naval vessels, whether American or Soviet - fishing trawlers may also be a threat but one can probably rule out submarines, missile carriers, torpedo boats and exotic craft like Aegis electronic warfare vessels. Being solar powered eliminates the dependence on strategic fuel supplies - notably oil or similar, so deteriorating relationships between Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbours or even the gulf states and Iran and Iraq should not lead to an escalation of project costings. Nothing that Yasser Arafat or the Mossad does is likely to have any affect on the project. Making the craft too visible may make it a target for gunnery practice (whether by naval forces, pirates, or recreational vessels) but conversely its low profile in the water may make it appear to be a torpedo or similar guided weapons system. The most dangerous component may be the PIC processor. Now that selective availability has been removed, use of the GPS system for navigation ... " Good enough? OK - bedtime. Time to stop this drivelling :-) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics