On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Dan Michaels wrote: > Couple of thoughts. Sounds like there isn't a prayer that > any kind of boat can do it alone. If too small, it will sink > first big wave. If too big, someone will see it from their > fishing boat, and pick it out of the water. Else an oil > tanker will run it over. I'd go for more a "bottle" mode... or a drifting bouy. Easy to keep the antenna upright that way. I gather, however, that's not what Tobie had in mind, it sounds like he wants to make it a *boat* with the ability to guide/propel/sail itself to various places on its own. If that were the intent, it would be an interesting exercise to develop a hull design that could tolerate & survive weather, waves, submersion, etc. A kayak comes to mind, weighted to encourage it to turn right side up. Solar cells on top, weighted keel on the bottom (maybe WAY down), mast/antenna combination? I'm sure he's spent more time thinking about it that the two minutes I just did. > So how's about a "PICinaBottle Contest". PIC, solar battery, > tiny GPS receiver, small 20M band morse code xmtr, little > whip antenna sticking out the top, waterproofed in plastic. > $10USD for the whole thing. Toss the bottle in the ocean, > see where it goes. Winner is longest running, longest distance > traveled. Cool idea. The aforementioned legal obstacles, though... 20M is bad enough (or was last time I checked in) without a bunch of unattended drifting QRP stations transmitting at random. I guess *I* would love to do it, just wouldn't want a bunch of *others* doing it too! 8-) > More to reality - some guy named Jim Clark [SGI, Netscape, > Healtheon] built a $30,000,000 automated sailboat with 24 > SGI workstations on board. He can sit in his office in silicone > vallee and steer the boat realtime in the south pacific. > Uses icebergs for slalom courses. You might check what he > uses for a comm link. Jeez, why wouldya?? If I had $30M I'll be damned if I'd have my boat on its own while I was working. I'd be in the sucker, somewhere warm, and there'd be more silicone than silicon along with me, if ya catch my drift... Dale --- The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..." -- Isaac Asimov -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" =uP ONLY! "[EE]:","[OT]:" =Other "[BUY]:","[AD]:" =Ads