I have a Crunch project 19 days late! I'm using seventeen PIC18C452 connected with SPI. I've used the ICE 2000 to debug the system for the last few months. It failed today, not the ICE 2000, but the PCMCIA card that plugs into it. In panic I called the number on the bottom of the unit. The response was astounding... They were VERY sympathetic to my problem and are quickly shipping out a replacement unit! The only questions asked where to verify the problem IS the unit, and my name/address etc. (I have come to expect a hassle in most things I deal with...) The support is wonderful! Thanks MICROCHIP! -- * | __O Thomas C. Sefranek tcs@cmcorp.com |_-\<,_ Amateur Radio Operator: WA1RHP (*)/ (*) Bicycle mobile on 145.41, 448.625 MHz http://hamradio.cmcorp.com/inventory/Inventory.html http://www.harvardrepeater.org -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" =uP ONLY! "[EE]:","[OT]:" =Other "[BUY]:","[AD]:" =Ads