Well, looking at some examples in the MPASM User's Guide, I fettered out a method of setting the CONFIG bits in "straight C" code... :) I made sure the following lines were in the .LKR file: CODEPAGE NAME=config START=0x300000 END=0x300007 PROTECTED SECTION NAME=MY_CONFIG ROM=config (I had to add this one) And then I put the following code snippet in my initialization .C file: // Initialize the configuration bits // per the TSS Hardware Control Document #pragma romdata MY_CONFIG rom const char CONFIG1L = 0xFF; rom const char CONFIG1H = 0xF9; rom const char CONFIG2L = 0xFA; rom const char CONFIG2H = 0xFF; rom const char CONFIG3L = 0xFF; rom const char CONFIG3H = 0xFE; rom const char CONFIG4L = 0xFF; #pragma romdata This had the same effect as using the __CONFIG directives in assembly. I have also noticed that there are not very many messages concerning the PIC 18Cxxx series. Is this just due to the relative newness of the processor or are people just used to the PIC 16Cxxx series? Later, Jeff. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" =uP ONLY! "[EE]:","[OT]:" =Other "[BUY]:","[AD]:" =Ads