Hi, I know close to nothing regarding wireless transmission such as radio, packet, satellite and the like but I was wondering if there would be an economic way for an autonomous vehicle to send it's position back home ? The vehicle is a solar powered boat already equipped with a GPS receiver used for navigation and it would be a piece of cake to add a daily routine to the PIC for uploading this information to some RF stage. Here is the catch : the boat can be anywhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and obviously has very little power available (in fact barely enough to keep it moving). The boat could stop while it transmits to save power and wait for it's batteries to recharge before going on, that's not a problem. The required bandwidth is minimal and only a few bytes would be sent daily. The received data would be used to update the boat's daily position on a Web site. At this point, I'm only looking for one-way transmission, nothing would get sent back to the boat even though that would be cool ... I was thinking of something like the transmiters they put in Tuna fish to track their migration habits. Any idea who makes these things and how they work ? Is direct ground to ground transmission possible accross the Atlantic with such little power available ? Is satellite the only way to go ? Thanks, Tobie Horswill Ex Machina, Quibec (Quibec) CAN thorswil@hotmail.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" =uP ONLY! "[EE]:","[OT]:" =Other "[BUY]:","[AD]:" =Ads