Give me a chance, we have only been selling them for three months, there are various reviews lined up in car magazines though. New version will be out in a couple of weeks with data storage and RS-232 interface. PIC Content The system works using the two CCP channels to measure the pwm signals from the accelerometer, it uses a 16F876 operating at 16MHz, data is stored on an 8k i2c eeprom, power supply is done using a step up regulator from 2 x 1.5v AA batteries (MAX619) If using the ADXL202 be very careful with noise on the supply lines. Take special care to ensure the supply is as clean as possible. > >I have used them to measure vehicle performance, have a look at > >the performance meter at What sort of resolution > > You should be hawking these around the TV stations and insisting they use them on the motoring programs when they test cars! ;)) > > -- > hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: > "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" > > > > -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:","[SX]:","[AVR]:" =uP ONLY! "[EE]:","[OT]:" =Other "[BUY]:","[AD]:" =Ads