Ok, here is what I know... 1. When executing a jmp PC+W, on the SX 18,28,etc.. no carry of the addition from bit 7 to bit 8 of the PC is performed. This means that relative jumps are restricted to the half page of 256 instructions from which the jump originates. Understood, well documented. 2. The call instruction clears the 9th bit (bit 8) of the PC so you can only call into the first 256 instruction half page of each 512 instruction page. Understood, well documented. Now, here is the one I want to make sure I'm not missing something on... 3. As far as I can tell, despite this not being documented anywhere, adding, or-ing, and-ing, moving, etc... an 8 bit value to the PC (bits 0..7) also results in CLEARING the 9th bit (bit 8) of the PC. So you can only do relative or computed jumps into the first half page of each page. Just like calls. Can some one confirm that? or correct me on that point? or point me to where that third point (and not the first two points) are documented by ANYONE? The main thing that concerns me is that the documentation doesn't appear to me to make that clear. Please prove me wrong. --- James Newton 1-619-652-0593 http://www.sxlist.com mailto:jamesnewton@geocities.com -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use mailto:listserv@mitvma.mit.edu?body=SET%20PICList%20DIGEST