Has anyone had any experience with the MSP430F112 or MSP430F149 micros?. They look interesting. Low power. OK speed. 12 bit A/D. I took their one-day seminar when it rolled around (and found it worthwhile.) They do seem like neat parts. Be aware that some of the tricks used for acheiveing low power and/or quick wakeup from powerdown modes interfere with "accurate" instruction timing... Has anyone actually bought any? If so, how much are they and where did you get them? Wyle claims to sell the F112 for about $2.50 in small quantities. "Call" for leadtimes. (uh oh.) I haven't seen any of the larger flash parts even listed anywhere... To bring in another topic under discussion - presumably one of the reason that Microchip's flash parts are priced as low as their OTPs has to do with there being a lot of competition in the market places for "new" designs using a GP flash microcontroller, while the older OTP famillies have an established clientel still willing to pay the "old" prices. BillW -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu