I was thinking in hacking my deskjet to feed a board instead of the paper, then print directly to the pre-sensitive board and expose to UV. I guess that the board must have some kind of 'texture' to hold the ink in place maybe 'sugar and water' ? Hmm. I never thought of printing with (water soluble) inkjet ink ON TOP OF photoresist just to block light during exposure (and then develop normally and use the photoresist to act as the actual etchant resist, with the inkjet ink washing off "sometime" in there.) But I don't see any reason that this wouldn't work. I've been playing with a CuCl based etchant described at http://www.dnai.com/~rexa/Projects/CuCl_ech.html I started with some drugstore (3%) H2O2, pool acid and come copper wire, and I now have a solution that will disolve 14g solid copper wire "overnight", which is pretty cool (considering you get MORE of it than you start with :-) BillW -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu