My sheepskin says Scientist, but I prefer to be a hacker (using old definition). Andy Mark Peterson on 10/13/2000 09:20:46 AM Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Andrew Kunz/TDI_NOTES) Subject: [OT]: No Apology Required What's this stuff about apologizing for not being an engineer? I couldn't care less what it says on the framed "sheep skin" over someone's desk or even whether they have one at all. I just appreciate hearing such valuable information from someone who has great knowledge of the topic. Thank you Roman, for sharing your comments. You have nothing to apologize for. Mark Peterson, P.E. >I apologise to the many professional engineers here for my "bucket >science" solutions! I am not an engineer, I'm maybe a "re-engineer"?? > >-Roman -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList