> Here's extracts of my code. Can anyone spot the bug? Yes, I can. However I don't believe in helping those who haven't even done the simple little things to help themselves. There is not a single comment in the first section of code below. Go back and force yourself to explain what you think each instruction is doing, and there's a reasonable chance you'll figure out the problem on your own. Another suggestion is to look over the instruction set again. You are doing some things the hard way. > display_message > movlw 0 > movf offset > > movlw ">" > call send_ascii > > movlw LOW TABLE > addwf offset > movlw HIGH TABLE > btfsc status,c > addlw 1 > movwf PCLATH > movf offset,w > > call TABLE > call send_ascii > > movlw "<" > call send_ascii > > return > TABLE > movwf PCL ; called with displacement in W > retlw "A" > retlw "B" > retlw "C" > retlw "D" ***************************************************************** Olin Lathrop, embedded systems consultant in Devens Massachusetts (978) 772-3129, olin@cognivis.com, http://www.cognivis.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu