Using a 16F877, I've interfaced to a CF card using 22 pins, which reads from and writes to FAT16 and FAT32 file systems, leaving 11 lines open for other use. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter L. Peres" To: Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 2:01 PM Subject: Re: [PIC]: Floppy storage > > Price, number of pins required, FAT file system, practically > single-sourced, murder to support on small micros (like PICs). The > smallest PIC that can support a CF is 16C64 and the CF will use 23 pins on > it (out of 33 IO). Some can be multiplexed (as inputs at least). The exact > details of CF management for durability are secret afaik (strategy to > prevent flash wearout while using FAT fs ?). > > The SONY memory stick looks much better from all of these points of view > excepting price (which is in the same range). > > Peter > > -- > Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! > use > > > > -- hint: To leave the PICList