Reposted due to missing tag. ---------------------------- I've just started looking into ethernet and internet connections for some of our devices and almost all the examples I come across are in C so it looks like it's time for me to bite the bullet and teach myself some C programming. I'm starting out from an engineering background with a fair knowlege of using assembly on Z80 and PIC - but the only higher-level language I've used before is BASIC. Does anyone know of any not-too-expensive computer-based training for the C language? Something that's embedded-oriented would be great, but almost anything would do to get me jump-started. It doesn't have to be CBT but that seems like a good way to learn programming and I know from previous threads that books on C for embedded applications are uncommon. I also know pretty much nothing about Computer Science and programming theory so any pointers to a gentle beginner's guide to CS topics either in book or electronic form would be welcome too. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.