On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:24:12 GMT, you wrote: >Dear all, > >I have a few circuits that are kept in water proof boxes, but while in >storage (in not the most ideal place in the word) they seem to get damp. > >My question is not how to prevent this, as I have sealed the boxes as = well >as is humanly possible, and have put sachets of silica gel in the boxes >also. > >My question is would a crystal or RC res circuit (in am currently using >cheap resonator) startup more reliabily in these conditions? > >Has anyone come across this problem before? > >I know electronics should not be subjected to these environmments, but = we >all live in the real world don't we! > >Thanks for your valuble time and comments, If anything, a _little_ leakage can actually help resonator startup, but a lot would probably cause problems.=20 Leakage will always have some effect on the frequency of an RC osc, but will probably not actually prevent operation unless R was high and you have a lot of leakage across the cap.=20 If this is a major problem, conformal-coat the assembly.=20 Remember that moisture on a _powered_ board can cause rapid corrosion. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's