Boot NT then go take off the read-only bit on c:\boot.ini In the boot.ini there is a line for each boot partition 1: NT 2: NT VGA 3: Windows Remove the line that has the windows bit in it. and save the file. It wont remove win98, but it wont show up on the boot screen. I do sugget though that a complete re-load be done. Any Version of windows needs it about once every 6 months, well mine does at least ;-) > > My laptop has been doing strange things lately and has to be sent back > to its maker for fixing. The only snag is that I have dual-boot NT and > Win98 (just for the USB camera) and the manufacturer says they don't > support dual-boot machines. The problems are hardware-related, but I > suspect they might use the dual-boot thing as an excuse not to fix it. I > need to uninstall the Win98 and the OS loader before sending it back. > Can anyone tell me how to do this? -- hint: To leave the PICList