Alice, I've really really done this. But there are two seperate oscillators. One runs timer 1 (usually 32 kHz) and the other runs the PIC core (regular OSC). The Timer 1 osc when enabled is approximately like the main osc when set to LP mode, so the same crystal and cap selection and wiring apply. BUT this only helps is you can run a while on main osc freq, then go to sleep until woken by Timer 1. I used it with T1 as a RTC tick, and the PIC slept most of the time to save power. I gather that's the most common use for the T1 osc. But it DOESN'T give you selectable core osc frequency, which was the original question, but it might work in the same application? It occurs to me that you might be able to add some scary external logic to drive the OSC1 from the T1OSO OR the main crystal under program control, to give a "drowse mode" where the main clock was slowed to save power. I'd have to think about that more another time... Regards, Barry. ------------ Barry King, KA1NLH NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" Check out the accumulated (PIC) wisdom of the ages at: PIC/PICList FAQ: -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use