I am having problems with the TXIF flag not being set after loading transmit data into the TXREG. A snippet of code concerning the serial comms is below. Would someone mind pointing out what I have missed ? The code locks up on the "while" line. The watchdog timer is disabled, code is compiled using Hi-Tech C in MPLAB, then downloaded via Microchip DEBUG ICD to ISP connection on target. I have tested other code on the platform such as flashing LED's etc attached to various port pins without problem. THANKS void Send(unsigned char tx_byte) { TXREG = tx_byte; while (!TXIF); } void init(void) { TRISC = 0x80; PortC = all outputs except RXD INTCON = 0xc0; Enable global ints, enable PEIE TXSTA = 0x24; Txen = 1,Sync = 0,BRGH = 1 RCSTA = 0x50; Spen = 1, CREN = 1 SPBRG = 129; 9600 Baud, 0.16% error } main(void) { for(;;) { Send(65); Delay(200); } } -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use mailto:listserv@mitvma.mit.edu?body=SET%20PICList%20DIGEST