I have a question just for the eeprom experts! I am using 16F84A running at 12MHz in a product of ours, and want to know how many eeprom erase/write cycles I can expect. I know the official figure from Microchip for the "A" version 16F84 is >1,000,000 cycles, but I am writing to the eeprom only ONCE per MINUTE. Will this extend the number of cycles expected? Also the product is only powered up about 2 to 6 hours per week expected, again will this raise the number of cycles? I am currently looking at spreading the workload between a number of eeprom locations, the normal solution. My system writes once per minute (as stated above) until a location has been written 256 times, then uses the next location, (8 locations in total). Again, will this extend the cycles over 1,000,000 as they are given a long "break" between being written. Any help would be appreciated. I can't do testing for my situation as with this usage it will take years. Accelerated testing won't prove anything. Does anyone have real world experience with this sort of thing in their product?? Thanks, -Roman -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.