ROTF Laffering! Right on, Dan! I'll see your Rodger and raise ya James Watt. What a guy - I think he lasted about 2 years, finally riding off into the sunset (literally, if you saw his swan song to the networks) after defending the composition of an appointed board as consisting of " a black, a latino, a woman, two jews, and a cripple". You can't make this stuff up. Before Andy pours the boiling oil over me, I'd like to take note of Steve Baldwin's point, "what free market?" more or less. Smith espoused the virtues of an "efficient" market, as one composed of many buyers and sellers. This hardly describes any modern economy, which consist of few sellers and millions of buyers of practically any commodity. The modern economic environment is one of cartel and oligopoly secured by political power, in which a rising tide raises the rent first, and then the boat. Maybe. This is not to say that competition does'nt exist. It certainly does in many niche markets, pgming PICS, for instance, and even some large-scale enterprises like PC software, which are run by the exuberant egos of their founders rather than "professional" management. To pretend that the world works this way, per Art Laffer, is simply not so. My $.02 - Apologies to all, except Art. Jack Dan Michaels wrote: > The name James Watt, Sec of the Interior 1980-??, selling off the > entire american west, comes to mind. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.