>>>"Rodger economics" was a very bad period for the people in NZ. >>> It was a time> >>of axe wheedling sell everything that the govt >>> owns to privet enterprise. This at the time was a good deal as NZ >>> was in dire straits of > > > >Well, then, the way you describe it --> it is exactly like Reaganomics. > > Dan, what is it that the US Gov't owned and sold off If you want some idea of the scale of NZ govt assets sold http://www.treasury.govt.nz/pubs/fmb/assetsal/assetmain.htm And these are mostly major assets too, originally paid for by NZ taxpayers. The stinger is that companies like Telecom or NZ Rail are now returning profits to their overseas owners. At the time they were sold they were regarded as comfy jobs-for-life govt depts that were either not developed and brought up to date or couldn't be for lack of funds. Telecom now makes > $800,000,000 profit on just over 3.4m population, and although it's regarded as progressive and technically efficient and innovative, it employs a small fraction of the staff it used to. NZ will never be able to afford to buy any of these back - "selling the family silver" it was called -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.