from bribes and kickbacks and gross speculations and S&Ls selling >land to developers at overly-inflated values and loaning them the >money to buy it. Then the bubble burst. For those who need a frame of reference, Dan's referring to WHITEWATER LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. It was owned in part of Gov & Mrs Clinton and several of their (now dead) friends, among others. >Similar things in airlines and farming too. I suspect your Roger >learned his trade studying our Reagan. [un]Luckily, Reagan gave >these massive tax cuts which led to enormous budget deficits which >helped buoy up the shambles created otherwise. Our nat'l debt now >is larger than the combined economies of about 95% of the world. And shrinking fast, thanks in large part to the tight pursestrings that the current and previous Congresses have held to. Andy -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.