> Without Lange, you would not have had "Rodgernomics!" From the outside > this seems to be one of the best things that occurec in NZ. > > >From the other side of the pond > > Dennis I've heard a few "experts" mention lately, in this time of a record low NZ dollar (= US$0.40 and dropping) that the biggest mistake of Lange's time with Roger Douglas as Finance Minister was not introducing a flat tax rate. Opinion is that things would be very very different now. What seems to be a crippling burden in NZ is the high percentage (IIRC somewhere around 40%) of GDP going on welfare, despite this being drastically trimmed by Rogernomics in the 80's. There is also an annual nett population loss from NZ, so the consumer and worker base is getting smaller and smaller (I'm down to 5'2") which just makes things tougher for those of us left behind -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's