Hmm, you know your stuff. Well, I'm trying to clock this thing at 10MHz, but with not much succes. The book says to use a Resistor in series with a capacitor with OSC1 connected between the 2. I used values of 10K and 50pF for the Res. and Cap. Are these ok? I'm currently using MPLAB with a PICSTART Plus. The manual written by Microchip seems to be absolutly fine, except I couldn't get it to work. Although, one of the pieces of literature from Microchip seems to say something slightly different (values differ), however it was rather old, so I ignored it and used the later document. The latest copy says to use values between 3K and 100K and anything above 20pF. If what I've used is correct, then my problem is more likely to be a circuit error which I can't find. CP. -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Scott Dattalo Sent: 23 September 2000 22:32 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: [PIC] PIC16C64B Development board. On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Chris Pringle wrote: > The config bits were definetly set to RC. My big problem is I'm net to PICs > really (1 year), and I'm still trying to learn how they're wired up... I > followed the diagrams in the manual for the microchip but it's all a little > confusing and not always consistant. Do you know how they are supposed to be > wired up? > Regards, Well, yes. However, without seeing your setup I can't provide any practical comments. It's been my experience that PIC's are extremely easy to clock. I've used function generators through a meter's worth of coax to frequencies of 20Mhz. I've also used RC circuits where the R is a potentiometer (this is really a cool way to build a variable frequency device, btw - write isochronous code and get the variation in the clock). What are the discrepancies in the uchip docs (with regards to the clock). Scott -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList