You want the whole works or just the sensor? There's a design in fairly common use using two seperate directional sensors, take the back off of most cheap VSWR meters and you'll find it. The way it is usually implemented leads to unnessecerily high insertion loss but whether you can be bothered to fix it or not depends on whether this is for mass production or not and if not do you have a supply of semi-rigid or PTFE coax (by no means essential but very very handy). Actually if you don't want wideband performance a very simple design is possible using parallel tracks on a PCB. It DOES work. I'll leave the PIC and display up to you as I've never actually done one. Oliver. ----- Original Message ----- From: Milan Pavlica (YU7AEC) To: Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 7:30 PM Subject: [PIC]: SWR and Power meter... > Hello! > Anybody know where i can find schematic for VHF (144MHz) watt metter > and/or SWR metter with PIC controller?? > Thanks! > -- hint: To leave the PICList