I just built up a CA5160 test circuit for some pwm output experiments... works, in so much as it sustains the voltage, after a short burst of pwm, BUT.. a) running it from the same 5v supply as the 16f84 I can only get max approx 3.6 v out of it...if the output is loaded with a 1k to gnd that drops to around 2v.. b) the 100k variable from pins 1 to 5 (nulls with wiper to gnd to make an 'offset') does absolutely nothing.... this circuit was stolen quickly from the stamp book, but now downloaded the APP notes for the chip and see they just copied that as well..I've changed the chip, checked the wiring until I'm sick of looking at it..can see the 100k value changing directly on the socket (with the chip out)...etc..etc... ..thousands of folks must have built this......experiences ?????????? Graham -Need *high IP3* AND good N/F ?? try this- http://www.rfham.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu