You could use a PIC running at, oh, say 50 or 60Hz. The EMI would be much lower than what the power lines are giving off. -Adam Chris Eddy wrote: > > I am trying to sketch a circuit that has four select push buttons for > inputs, and four seperate digital outputs. > I want to push a button and latch that output, and unlatch any other > selected output which was previously selected. > > I have invested a few hours and all I have to show is some burnt brain > cells. I am drawing a big blank. > > The solution can be logic gates, comparators, transistors, but yikes, no > processor. Customer wants no EMI analog answer. > > Any of you folks remember this stuff? > > Thanks > Chris Eddy~ > > -- > hint: The PICList is archived three different > ways. See for details. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use