Help I have PIC16F84 -04I/SO controllers changing their configuration bits on the fly. Some have been installed for a few weeks, others have been in the field for two years. The circuits are potted and therefore I can rule out any tampering. Environment : 14 to 21V DC, temperature range -8 deg Celsius to +80 deg Celsius, outdoors Oscillator : Murata CSTCS 4.00MHz (integrated 18pF caps) Original Configuration : OSC=XT, WDT=ON, PUT=ON, CP=ON Supply : 78DS05F 5V regulator designed for automotive industry Voltage supervisor : Motorola MC33064 Source Power-Up : Very slow rise & fall from 0V DC to 19V DC (sometimes in the region of 20 minutes). The reset circuitry has been designed such that the circuit draws more current in reset than when operational, this stops the supervisory chip hunting in and out of reset. Failed units' configuration bits are generally as follows; OSC=RC, WDT=ON, PUT=OFF, CP=OFF I have also found that we can get some failed units to run normally by powering them up quickly (normal 5V DC supply). Applying a 4MHz oscillator to pin 16 (OSC1) shows the device is still operational, just that the on board oscillator will not function with the OSC configuration bit set to RC. Has anyone come across something similar, or can anyone suggest reasons for this anomaly? Regards Mr Tom Phillips Systems Engineer (Solar) Merlin Gerin SA (Pty) Ltd t/a CONLOG Tel : +27-31-268-1111 (S/Board) +27-31-268-1476 (Direct) Fax : +27-31-208-7790 e-mail : Internet : -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use