Can the PIC flash parts be in-cricuit serial programmed in the same way as the OPT parts? We are looking at possibly substituting a 16C63 with a 16F873 in the future. I have never ICSP'd pics before and have simply laid out the suggested 5 pin programming connector on the board. If there are any other requirements or pin changes needed to support flash , I'd like to take care of them now. We don't have any need to debug in-circuit (we're using a Rice 17a for that). Regards. ============================ Galen O'Grady C.E.T. Research & Development Reliable Scale Corporation 520 Moraine Road N.E. Calgary, AB, Canada T2A 2P2 Tel:(403)272-8784 Fax:(403)273-9818 ============================ -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.