Dear all, I'm back again after unsubscribing over the Summer. I've built a circuit around the 16F877 40 pin PIC using MPLAB and now want to start fabricating boards. My problem is that size is important, and I'd planned on using the Quad Flatpack package to save a bit of space (since it uses 11 pins on each face to cram 44 pins onto a 10 mm square surface mount) - so that I can get 8 channels of ADC. I just spoke to Digi-Key and they told me that they have no stock of the Quad Flatpack package - apparently it needs to be ordered from Microchip. I'm wondering if anyone has experience using these quad packages, and whether it is as obscure as it sounds. Do you think I should abandon it and use a standard rectangular 28 pin version (which will mean I will have to reduce the number of ADCs to 5). TIA! Chris -- Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD Associate Professor HomeCare Technologies for the 21st Century (Whitaker Foundation) NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on TeleRehabilitation Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Pangborn 105B Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave NE Washington, DC 20064 Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287 Email: Clinical Gait Analysis: Send subscribe/unsubscribe to -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.