>The only problem you are lilely to have is associated with the actual = DC voltage >present at that section just after rectification. 120VAC rectified and = filtered >with caps produces a nominal 120*sqrt(2) or 170VDC. Many good PC power = supplies >will operate off of as low an AC voltage as 90VAC, giving the DC = section a lower >limit of 127VDC, which MAY mean that you could put 125VDC in and it = would work >out OK. If the power supply is of the type that will accept a wide range of = input voltage, then it would be OK to just operate it off the DC. If it = has a switch to select between 115 and 230 modes, then it will not be OK = to run it in the 115 volt mode. It may be worth trying with the switch = set to 230V mode to see if the supply has enough regulation range, = especially if you run significantly below maximum wattage, but I think = you are wanting too much power to be able to do this. Be careful if there is no switch on the outside of the supply. If it = does not specifically state it will accept a wide input voltage range, = then there will be a jumper of some sort inside to change voltage. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.