Scott, > The host would not have a pic in it. I've been answering a lot of USB questions. Too many people think that they can buy a little embedded USB micro and use it as a host. Build a little circuit and attach a keyboard. Not that simple. I apologize for being a little sensitive about this. > It's essentially an > embedded x86 device. > You can think of it as a PC. In fact it has a BIOS, flash > file system, etc. The > custom `slave' devices are the ones that would contain the USB PIC. But does it have a USB host stack? Or are you writing your own? > > You need a PC/Mac (or equivalent in an embedded system) as a host. > > I'd be willing to debate that assertion if it weren't a moot > point. I have a PC like system... With a USB host controller chip? Sorry to detract from your original question. And to get a little more off topic, I can help you with USB stuff. As a reference take a look at the USBSIMM at There will be more products introduced soon. -Rob -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See