Hi, >problem perhaps using a faster clock would show it. So I just pulled out the >4MHz crystal I had been using and put in a 8MHz one instead. It worked! >"Great!" I said to myself thinking that the faster clock did the trick... If this would work I'm very perplexed, then I guess all bet's are off :-) As the SPI clock is actually RELATIVE to instruction speed ( and Xtal ). So replacing an 8Mhz with an 4Mhz would ( without sw change ) slow down the SPI clock speed by an factor of 2 BUT ALSO the instruction speed with the same amount. I'm curios how excately you are using the SPI, can You post the relevant snippet ? /Tony Tony K=FCbek, Flintab AB = =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2= =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2= =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2 E-mail: tony.kubek@flintab.com =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2= =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2= =B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2=B2 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics