Well, actually it was by accident (strange how often this happens). After reading the exchange between Tony and Thomas about the PIC having (or not having) enough time between bytes I thought that if that was indeed the problem perhaps using a faster clock would show it. So I just pulled out the 4MHz crystal I had been using and put in a 8MHz one instead. It worked! "Great!" I said to myself thinking that the faster clock did the trick... But SURPRISE! when I put the 4MHz crystal back in, it still worked. So the problem seems to be related to the PIC's reset state rather than the speed of it's clock or the capacity of the HW SPI to read contiguous bytes. Tonight I'll try reseting the SPI after the PIC has "booted". BOB AMMERMAN WROTE: >Tobie: > >Whatever led you to try stopping the clock? I'm curious what your thinking >was. > >Bob Ammerman >RAm Systems >(contract development of high performance, high function, low-level >software) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics