> Interesting question posed the other day regarding some faults that > have been detected lately. If a globe (Running on 12VDC) fails and the > glass goes black, what has occurred? Is it overheat? Is it > overcurrent? Is breakdown in the inert gas? Is it a failure at startup > high current inrush (Thermal shock)? or Is it a mix of all? > Ideas:-? Etc Yes interesting. Just replaced a 12V 55W halogen lamp in in my car yesterday. The guy at the shop said it looked like overvoltage because of the way the filament had broken in one place, the broken ends had melted into tiny blobs, and the glass was still clear. Sounds like a great opportunity to get a box of lamps, (globes, light bulbs, incandescent illuminatory thingies, whatever) and test them to destruction under a variety of conditions. Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile: 025 334 069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's